Goodbye Speakersfive, Hello Denley

I’ve been thinking this over for a few months now. If I’m completely honest I’ve probably been thinking it over for a few years. For various reasons, I’ve decided to let go of the name Speakersfive.

A name change has been on the cards before and events of the past 18 months, spurred on by ideas for trying new things, pushed me to think of names that would be more memorable and more confident. It just didn’t feel like Speakersfive was the right vehicle for what is to come.

As much as Speakersfive had come to mean to me over the last decade and a bit, the name has been something that people had difficulty connecting with – particularly what it means. It never gave any idea of what it was I did. And having to spell it often was at times a frustration.

So, after discussions with friends and family, I decided on the name Studio Denley.


Why Denley?

Denley is a family name, the surname of my Great Grandfather. He worked as a shipwright in Plymouth and I like the connection of crafting things that sail around the world (just now digitally instead of physically). Studio Denley is not only  personal to me but is accessible to others – at the same time it’s both familiar and established. It also allows me to be able to expand if needed.

Studio Denley will exist online here (obviously) at and you’ll find me on social media as @studiodenley