Faux book cover design

I’m a believer in the bring your hobbies to work philosophy, so as an avid reader I relished the opportunity to work on a design that combines my passions. This project was, while usual for a designer, unusual in its execution.

I was commissioned to design the covers for a series of eight false ‘books’ that would be gracing the shelves of not a bookshop or a library, but a hotel as part of the interior decor. With a fairly open brief and a limited colour palette, this was a project that really sparked my creativity and let my imagination run.



The project required me to create not just the covers, but also the authors, titles and storylines. The plots were where each one began, not a completely mapped out story but enough of a synopsis to each book that covered genre and target audience.

The book cover designs were split between fiction and non-fiction, and covered nature, psychology, murder mystery and science fiction amongst others. While the books would never be written, or read, this process helped to give direction to the design. The covers were designed as homages to their genres, with the strict black and white theme uniting the range.

For more information on this project and to see more book cover designs, please see the case study.